Shadow minister for Transport Jodi McKay MP promises full review of controversial clearways.

NSW Shadow Minister for Roads, Jodi McKay MP and Councillor Andrew Zbik meet with residents about traffic issues on Burns Bay Rd and Centennial Ave

Shadow Minister for Roads, Jodi McKay MP, on Friday morning met with frustrated Lane Cove West residents to discuss the newly-installed clearways on Centennial Ave and Burns Bay Road. 

The clearways are an attempt to address congestion on Centennial Ave and Burns Bay Road during peak hours. 

When the signage for the clearways was installed, residents discovered that they did not reduce traffic congestion and the hours of operation included 9am to 6pm on weekends.

Local residents are in favour of sensible and well-planned traffic control options but have found that the clearway hours force drivers, looking for parking, onto side streets, increasing traffic on local roads and encouraging rat-running. 

Residents have been in contact with the Roads and Maritime Service (RMS) with several concerns and have attempted to make contact with their local member, Anthony Roberts MP, to discuss them. RMS has given reasons for their decisions that do not satisfy the community. Anthony Roberts has yet to respond to them at all. 

Local councillor Andrew Zbik asked Jodi McKay to visit the area and listen to what residents have to say.

Jodi has acknowledged their frustration and has promised a review of the clearway if Labor wins the next election. She has also called on Anthony Roberts to convene an urgent meeting with the Minister for Roads, given information obtained by the residents through Freedom of Information, does not support the introduction of a clearway between Epping Road and Penrose Avenue on weekends.

Residents appreciated the visit from a state MP. Jodi Mckay took time out of her busy schedule to meet with them and is working to address their concerns.

To provide feedback to Councillor Andrew Zbik - PLEASE CLICK HERE

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  • Andrew Zbik
    published this page in Updates 2018-03-23 20:20:50 +1100