Labor Candidate for Lane Cove, Andrew Zbik, has welcomed NSW Labor’s election policy for people with disabilities – announced today by Opposition Leader Luke Foley.
Under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) – a proud Labor initiative – every person with a disability is given an individualised funding package and has control over decisions regarding their care.
Mr Zbik said that even though funding to run the NDIS has been transferred to the Federal Government, Labor’s five-point policy recognises that NSW will have ongoing responsibility for programs in the areas of health, education, housing and employment.
- Disability Jobs Package. Labor will award $10 million to a panel headed by Graeme Innes, former Disability Commissioner and Cain Beckett, head of the Disability Council. This is a new approach – putting people with disabilities in charge of implementing evidence-based strategies to increase workforce participation.
- $12.5 million for Disability Advocacy Groups. Labor will guarantee ongoing funding to groups who no longer have funding certainty due to the transfer of the disability budget to Canberra.
- Reversing Baird Government TAFE cuts. The Baird Government has severely cut subsidies for TAFE to enrol people with disabilities. Labor will invest $100 million to rebuild TAFE.
- Whole-of-Government Approach to Disability Inclusion. Linda Burney will be Deputy Premier and Minister for Disability Inclusion in a Labor Government. A new Office of Disability Inclusion will coordinate policies in health, education, transport and social housing.
- Parliamentary Inquiry into Disability Abuse. Labor will launch an Inquiry into the treatment of people with disabilities in mainstream and specialist services.
Labor Candidate for Lane Cove, Andrew Zbik, said: “With this announcement, those people in Lane Cove who are living with a disability, including their carers and family members, can be confident that a Foley Labor Government in NSW will be right there doing all it can to help.”
“NSW Labor wants to partner with all those people and organisations across NSW that do such great work with those who need it most.”
“While the NDIS out of Canberra is a fantastic initiative, we also appreciate that ongoing funding for programs in health, education, employment and social housing is needed at a State level - and it’s NSW Labor that will make those important investments happen.”
“This announcement has confirmed that a NSW Labor Government will be focused on helping every person in Lane Cove achieve their potential and lead a full and productive life.”
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