My Mayor Update - Council Meeting on 8th December 2022

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The Public Gallery will be both IN PERSON and via Zoom for this Council Meeting. CLICK HERE for more information

Below is a quick summary of the meeting agenda:


Members of the public may address the Council Meeting on any issue for 3 minutes.




2. NOTICE OF MOTION - ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS CITIES APPEAL Proposal for Council to endorse the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Cities Appeal. Write to the Federal Government to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by the United Nations in 2017, without delay. Confirms that Council's investments have no exposure to the creation of nuclear weapons. 

3. NOTICE OF MOTION - IMPLEMENTATION OF RESOLUTION TRACKERProposal to investigate resolution tracking tools to be incorporated into Council’s website design.

4. NOTICE OF MOTION - LANE COVE HOME ENERGY AND WATER MAKEOVER PROGRAM Proposal for Council to investigate the feasibility, potential scope and cost of developing a home energy and water makeover program for Lane Cove.

5. NOTICE OF MOTION - OPPOSING BUS PRIVATISATION IN LANE COVE Proposal for Council to write to the NSW Minister for Transport, David Elliott, and Member for Lane Cove, Anthony Roberts raising concerns about bus service cancellations. 

6. NOTICE OF MOTION - CAR FREE SUNDAY Proposal for Council to research the approach of instigating car free day in September 2023.

7. NOTICE OF MOTION - CAR BOOT COMMUNITY MARKET Proposal for Council to investigate the viability and logistics of holding a quarterly “car boot market” in a Council space.

8. NOTICE OF MOTION - SOFT PLASTIC WASTE SOLUTION Proposal for Council to investigate alternative options for soft plastic recycling.

9. NOTICE OF MOTION - BUSHLAND TREES ILLEGAL POISONING AND REMOVAL Proposal for Council to contact our local Federal and State MP's to discuss options for strengthening fines for tree vandalism and seek suggestions for further actions that aim to combat the vandalism of our native bushland.

10. NOTICE OF MOTION - OPERATION OF ST LEONARDS SOUTH LEP SITE CONSOLIDATION CLAUSE Proposal that Council receive a report in relation to the history of theinclusion of Clause 4.6(8) (cb) in the LEP, its interaction with the LEP FSR and how the provision operates in terms of assessment of any Development Application.


11. 2024 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS Proposal that an election arrangement be entered into by contract for the Electoral Commissioner to administer all elections of the Council with respect to the 2024 Local Government Elections.

12. SPORT AND RECREATION FACILITY - DECEMBER PROGRESS UPDATE Report to Council on the progress of this project. In summary:

a) Development Application was lodged on 29 November 2022 for the new revised 8 court layout. The Development Application exhibition process commenced on 30 November 2022 and will run through to 13 January 2023.

b) The DA is for construction of two (and part three-storey/mezzanine) multi-purpose sport facility comprising 6,800m2 of GFA apportioned to the following uses:

  • - 3,221m2 of indoor sports hall (4 courts);
  • - 277m2 Bistro (including additional 204m2 for outdoor seating);
  • - 654m2 of multipurpose space shared between 4 rooms;
  • - 118m2 of lounge space and 64m2 of office space;

c) Lower ground parking level with 248 parking spaces including 6 accessible parking spaces, plus 12 bicycle parking spaces and 16 motorbike parking spaces; and

d) Landscaping works including extensive tree planting, which exceeds councils 2:1 tree replacement commitment. A total of 226 trees are proposed to be planted to compensate canopy loss (79 trees to be removed) and enhance biodiversity of the proposed development.

13. PROPOSED PARTIAL ROAD CLOSURE - BERRY LANE Proposal for Council to commence undertaking Community Consultation and public notification for the partial closure of the southern end of Berry Lane.

14. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE - NOVEMBER 2022 Proposal to adopt recommendations from November Traffic Committee concerning line marking changes in Victoria St, No Parking on Ralston Street and other signposting changes. 

15. TRIAL OF ON-STREET ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGERS The purpose of this report is to inform Council of our intention to participate in an Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) funded trial of on-street electric vehicle (EV) chargers.

16. BLACKMAN PARK SKATE PARK UPDATE Councils consultant – Convic have carried out phase 1, pre-design workshops, of the investigation into the upgrade of the Blackman Park Skate Park. The second phase, draft concept plans, are currently being prepared and will be ready for community consultation early 2023.

17. LANE COVE AQUATIC LEISURE CENTRE - AQUATIC AND RECREATION INSTITUTE AWARD AND THEIR RECENT ROYAL LIFESAVING AUSTRALIA SAFETY AUDIT Write to Bluefit and congratulate them on winning the 2022 AH Pierce Memorial Facility of the Year Award at the recent Aquatic and Recreation Institute (ARI NSW) awards, which recognises excellence across the NSW aquatic and recreation sector and also congratulate them on the recentRoyal Lifesaving Australia Safety Audit result. 

18. REPLACEMENT DOG ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER Endorse a new community representative from the local veterinary profession.

19. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO THE GENERAL MANAGER A review of the delegations to the General Manager. 

20. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY DURING CHRISTMAS AND ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING RECESS That Council, in accordance with Section 377 of the Local Government Act1993, appoint a Committee comprising of the Mayor and the General Manager, or in their absence a delegate of the Mayor and/or the person acting as General Manager, to deal with and determine, urgent matters arising during the Christmas and Ordinary Council Meeting recess until 23 February 2023, in such cases applying Council’s policies, or where no such policies exist, exercising appropriate caution.

21. REVIEW OF COUNCIL'S CODE OF CONDUCT POLICY Proposal that Council endorse the adopted Code of Conduct October 2020 document, without amendment.

22. SCHEDULE OF ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETINGS FOR 2023 Proposal to adopt meeting schedule for 2023. 


23. COUNCIL SNAPSHOT NOVEMBER 2022 One for the statistics lover to read. Average days to process a DA before Council is 64. 56.83 tonnes of paper was collected for recycling in November and 684 children attended our Library events for children. 

I hope you found this video and summary helpful.

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  • Andrew Zbik
    published this page in Updates 2022-12-03 10:23:51 +1100