2. MAYORAL MINUTE - DOGS ON SPORTSFIELDS Proposal to make red flags mandatory for all seasonal sports field bookings; and install educational signage at all sports fields entrances.
REFERRED REPORTS (These are the reports that we not considered at the November Council Meeting)
3. SPORT AND RECREATION FACILITY - MANAGEMENT AND OPERATING MODEL Proposal to undertake a Request for a Key Operator which will include the option of subletting of the Management of Golf Operations including coaching and Bistro / Event disciplines and community users.
4. DRAFT SWIMMING POOL INSPECTION PROGRAM Proposal that Council endorse the draft Swimming Pool Inspection Program for the purposes of public exhibition and places it on exhibition for 42 days in accordance with the consultation strategy outlined in the report.
5. GREENWICH BATHS LEASE ARRANGEMENTS - COMMUNITY CONSULTATION OUTCOMES Proposal to enter into a 5-year lease with Bluefit Pty Ltd based on Option 1 – Open Spring/Summer with school holiday and weekend lifeguards at a rent of $10,000 per annum.
6. COUNCIL POLICIES REVIEW - PART 2 Proposal that Council adopt the reviewed and updated policies. These policies include:
- Council’s Contributions to Common Boundary Fences Policy,
- Enforcement Policy,
- Keeping Animals Policy,
- Trees and Tree Root Damage Claims Policy and
- Street Parties: Traffic and Parking Arrangements Policy,
7. NOTICE OF MOTION - BUS FORUM FOR LANE COVE: Proposal to write to the Bus Industry Taskforce and provide feedback about local bus services.
8. NOTICE OF MOTION - DESTRUCTION OF ENDANGERED ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES: Notes the brazen removal of trees in Woodford Bay and proposes that the General Manager engage with local State member, the Hon. Anthony Roberts, neighbouring Mayors, State Members of Parliament, and LGNSW to collectively lobby the State Government for increased penalties for these types of environmental crimes.
9. TREE VANDALISM IN LONGUEVILLE: Report from Council Officers regarding the brazen removal of trees in Woodford Bay. Proposal that Council keep the community informed at the appropriate time as advised by Council’s legal team.
10. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE - NOVEMBER 2023: Proposed adoption of recommendations from Council's Local Traffic Committee to:
a) Formally resolves to close that part of Canberra Avenue between its intersection with Duntroon Avenue and its intersection with River Road and integrate the land into Newlands Park as Community Land, with public vehicle access to be retained until at least 1 November 2025 and near completion of the adjacent development.
b) Plus other traffic changes to Burns Bay Road, Penrose St and Chisholm St.
11. UPDATE ON ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE AND SUSTAINABILITY UPGRADES: Note installation of nine new on-street EV chargers, conversion of flood lights at Pottery Green to LED's and a new 99.6KW solar array on Council's Civic Centre.
12. REPORT INTO PROPOSED FREE PERIOD PRODUCT TRIAL: Proposal to adopt a 12-month trial of providing free period products in Council's Lane Cove Library and other Council venues.
13. ANNUAL COMMUNITY SATISFACTION SURVEY RESULTS: Note that in the 2023 survey, Council achieved an overall satisfaction rating of 90%, with 23% of residents stating they were very satisfied with Council’s overall performance. In addition to this, of the 20 service delivery areas surveyed, 14 received satisfaction ratings of more than 80%.
14. IPART - FINAL REPORT ON THE RATE PEG METHODOLOGY REVIEW: Proposal that Council notes changes in the rate-peg methodology for the calculation of Council Rates. In 2024/2025 the rate-peg will be 4.9%.
15. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY DURING CHRISTMAS AND ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING RECESS: Standard motion to delegate decision making authority to the General Manager and Mayor over the Christmas and Summer recess.
16. SCHEDULE OF ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETINGS FOR 2024: Proposal for Council Meeting dates in 2024.
17. COUNCIL SNAPSHOT - OCTOBER 2023 Always a good read to understand what Council is doing. For Example, Council has $119 million cash in bank. 87.3% of service request via Council's CRM system were closed within service standards in October and one fox was culled as part of Council's Feral Animal Control program.
18. MAYORAL MINUTE - GENERAL MANAGER'S PERFORMANCE PLAN 2023/24: This matter has been deferred from the October and November meetings due to running out of time.
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