My Mayor Update - Council Meeting on 20th July 2023

The Public Gallery will be both IN PERSON and via Zoom for this Council Meeting. CLICK HERE for more information

Below is a quick summary of the meeting agenda:


Members of the public may address the Council Meeting on any issue for 3 minutes.





2. NOTICE OF MOTION - 5G CELL TOWERS REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Proposal to write to the Federal Government asking to fund an investigation with an independent assessor to measure exposure to electromagnetic radiation from 5G towers. 

3. NOTICE OF MOTION - COUNCIL SUPPORT FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RECOGNITION OF A FIRST NATIONS VOICE TO PARLIAMENT Proposal that Council affirms its support for constitutional recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people through a Voice to Parliament.


4. TENDER FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A HEAD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR FOR THE LANE COVE SPORT AND RECREATION FACILITY Proposal to decline to accept all tender submissions as none of the tenders received were within the construction cost allowance for Stage 2 included within the overall $75 million project budget.

Proposal that Council delegates authority to the General Manager to enter into negotiations with ADCO Group Pty Ltd for the contract of construction for the Sport & Recreation Centre at 180 River Road. 

Proposal that the negotiations adhere to the following principles in the design development and cost reduction process:-

  1. The facility spaces and capacity within the design be retained;
  2. The design aesthetics of the building design be retained;
  3. The project retain a sustainable building design that aligns with good practice design principles of local and international environmental standards as specified by consultants Steensen & Varming.

Further, proposal to pursue expansion of the 200kW net Solar PV array system included within the project to the Maximum Solar PV system (Circa 500kW) and provision of a 200kw battery via a grant from ARENA, and if unsuccessful during the construction period, commit to expansion of the system (project design to include suitable provisioning) within 18 months post-occupation, once accurate facility energy usage data is available.

5. PROPOSED PARTIAL CLOSURE OF CANBERRA AVENUE - PROPOSED EXTENSION OF NEWLANDS PARK Proposal to undertake Community Consultation and public notification for the partial closure of Canberra Avenue between River Road at its intersection with Duntroon Avenue to integrate the land into Newlands Park.

6. INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO REVIEW Proposal for Council to determine whether it wants to pursue an Investment Portfolio that either wholly or partly preferences the placement of investments with non-fossil fuel aligned financial institutions and socially responsible investments, noting that a revised Investment Policy incorporating the matters raised in this report and the investment advice would need to be drafted and brought back to Council for its consideration.

7. INTRODUCTION OF WILDLIFE PROTECTION AREAS Proposal for Council to undertake community consultation on the proposal to declare its bushland reserves as Wildlife Protection Areas under the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998

8. PROPOSED REVIEW OF WARD BOUNDARIES Council place on public exhibition the proposed new Ward Boundaries. 

9. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE - MAY 2023 Proposal to adopt changes to limit parking outside 231 Longueville Road. 

10. IPART- DRAFT REPORT ON THE RATE PEG METHODOLOGY REVIEW Proposal that Council endorse the submission lodged with IPART regarding a Review of the Rate Peg Methodology.

11. AUDIT, RISK AND IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE (ARIC) - DRAFT CHARTER AND EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR NEW INDEPENDENT EXTERNAL MEMBERS. Proposal that Council adopt the Draft Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) Charter and authorise the General Manager to commence an Expression of Interest process to recruit three independent external members to the ARIC.

12. DRAFT MANAGING CONFLICTS OF INTERESTS FOR COUNCIL-RELATED DEVELOPMENTS POLICY  - COMMUNITY CONSULTATION OUTCOMES Proposal that Council adopt the Draft Managing Conflicts of Interests for Council-related Developments Policy and publish it on Council’s website.

13. REVISED FRAUD AND CORRUPTION PREVENTION POLICY AND STRATEGY Proposal that Council endorse the Revised Draft Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy and the Draft Fraud and Corruption Prevention Strategy for the purposes of public exhibition.

14. PROPOSED VOLUNTARY PLANNING AGREEMENT FOR AREA'S 13, 14 AND 15 - ST LEONARDS SOUTH PRECINCT Proposal that Council enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement with Marshall Land Pty Ltd as trustee for Marshall Land Unit Trust and Holdsworth Land Pty Ltd as trustee for Holdsworth Land Unit Trust  in respect of the development of Areas 13, 14 and 15 (14 and 16 Marshall Avenue, 5-9 Holdsworth Avenue and 2-10 Berry Road) at the St Leonards South Precinct.


16. COUNCIL SNAPSHOT JUNE 2023 Council has cash reserves of $121,942,944.87 earning 4.14%. Wadangarri Park in St Leonards is scheduled to open in August. 

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  • Andrew Zbik
    published this page in Updates 2023-07-14 22:13:00 +1000