My Mayor Update - Council Meeting on 22nd June 2023


The Public Gallery will be both IN PERSON and via Zoom for this Council Meeting. CLICK HERE for more information


Members of the public may address the Council Meeting on any issue for 3 minutes.




2. MAYORAL MINUTE - LEADING A REFORM AGENDA ON WASTE This Mayoral Minute advises Council of the Metropolitan Sydney Mayoral Summit on Waste I attended on 18 May 2023 to discuss what councils can do to contribute solutions to leading reform on waste.



3. NOTICE OF MOTION - REPORT ON CHIEF SCIENTIST AND ENGINEER’S INDEPENDENT REVIEW INTO THE DESIGN, USE AND IMPACTS OF SYNTHETIC TURF IN PUBLIC OPEN SPACES This Notice of Motion seeks to review the proposed future management, replacement and disposal of synthetic turf in the LGA.

4. NOTICE OF MOTION - ADDRESS NEED FOR INCREASED FUNDS FOR MAINTENANCE AND ENHANCEMENT OF BUSHLAND AND TRACKS This Notice of Motion seeks to consider additional budget allocation for the upkeep, education and engagement of the bushland maintenance in Lane Cove bushland areas

5. NOTICE OF MOTION - TRUCK USAGE AND SAFETY IN COXS LANE This Notice of Motion seeks a review of safety for pedestrians and limiting truck and long vehicle use in Cox’s Lane. 


6. SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW OF COUNCIL'S DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN The purpose of this report is to incorporate a range of amendments to the Lane Cove Development Control Plan (DCP) addressing sustainability initiatives related to climate change and emission reductions within the Lane Cove community. It is recommended the DCP amendments be placed on public exhibition and a further report be submitted to Council following the exhibition.

7. HOURS OF WORK - CONSTRUCTION SITES Council at its Meeting of 18 May 2023 resolved to receive a report considering the variation of its standard hours of construction in response to community concerns of the impacts building works are causing the local amenity. It is recommended that in relation to general building works such as new dwellings, alterations and additions along with swimming pools and other non-residential flat buildings Council amend its existing standard condition to include “with NO high noise generating activities, to be undertaken after 12 noon on Saturday”, with a view to maintaining the amenity of the adjoining residents.

8. REVISED WORKS SCHEDULE - LANE COVE SECTION 94 (NOW S7.11) CONTRIBUTIONS PLAN It is proposed to update the Works Schedule for the Lane Cove Section 94 (now s7.11) Contributions Plan. The update of the Works Schedule is required to reflect works already undertaken and changes in priorities, noting the last comprehensive review of the Works Schedule occurred in 2013. Council is requested to endorse the Revised Works Schedule for public exhibition purposes.

9. NORTHWOOD SLOPE NAMING At the 23 June 2022 Council meeting, Council resolved to “Undertake a public process to name the bushland known as the “Northwood Slope” located adjacent to the western side of the golf course.” This Report brings back to Council the results of the community consultation and recommends options to name the area.

10. BADANGI STATE HERITAGE LISTING CONSULTATION COMMENTS The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) have proposed the following Lane Cove reserves Manns Point, Greendale Park and Holloway Reserve be included as a part of the NSW State Heritage listing under the name Badangi (meaning Sydney rock oyster), this area will be one of several harbour foreshores reserves up for consideration.

11. RESPONSE TO RISE OF ANTI-SEMITISM At the Council meeting of 24 November 2022, it was resolved to contact the Jewish Board of Deputies and the Sydney Jewish Museum to develop appropriate strategies that address the rise of antisemitism. This Report outlines the discussions held at these meetings and suggestions for addressing concerns. 

12. CONSULTATION RESULTS ON THE DRAFT 2023/24 BUDGET, DRAFT FEES AND CHARGES, DRAFT DELIVERY PROGRAM AND OPERATIONAL PLAN, DRAFT RESOURCING STRATEGY AND ASSOCIATED RESOURCE PLANS This report provides consideration of submissions received as a result of the public exhibition of Council’s Draft 2023/24 Budget, Draft Fees and Charges, Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan, Draft Resourcing Strategy and associated Resource Plans. Council approved the exhibition of the draft documents at its meeting of 20 April 2023 and the public exhibition period closed on 7 June 2023.

Below is a great summary of all the projects Council intends to undertake in 2023/2024:

New capital works featuring in the Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan, including:

  • Construction of a new Sport and Recreation Facility
  • Bob Campbell Oval Masterplan Implementation Works
  • New Multifunction Theatre Space
  • New Skate Park at Blackman Park
  • Lane Cove Aquatic Centre Energy Efficiency Improvement Program
  • Village Streetscape Improvement Works (Stage 2) along Burns Bay Road
  • Traffic signal works at Mowbray Road and Centennial Avenue
  • Completion of new cycleway along Burns Bay Road, Linley Point
  • Bus shelter upgrade works
  • Amenities upgrade works at Pottery Green
  • Playground upgrades at Nichols Reserve and Woodford Bay Reserve
  • Drainage and irrigation works at Tantallon Oval

In addition, there a range of new operating initiatives in the Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan, including:

  • Review of the Age Friendly Strategy
  • Develop a Social Inclusion Strategy
  • Implement a watercraft hire arrangement to support the expansion of kayaking on Lane Cove River
  • Develop a Masterplan for Burns Bay Reserve and Stringybark Creek Reserve
  • Introduce a Community Renewable Energy Program, including a Rebates Program
  • Review and update the Lane Cove Development Control Plan to improve sustainability and incorporate provisions for the strategic rollout of EV charging infrastructure
  • Continue the Renewable Energy Future Program in Lane Cove for community emissions
  • Implement the Emissions Reduction Pathway Strategy for council emissions
  • Develop an Affordable/Key Worker Housing Statement
  • Introduce a 'Car Free Sunday' event
  • Introduce a 'Car Boot Community Market'
  • Introduce a Problem Waste Collection Point within The Canopy Carpark
  • Implement pilot 'living seawalls' at Tambourine Bay and Woodford Bay
  • Implement bushland encroachment reduction strategy
  • Support activation of the Village Streetscapes Improvements
  • Full implementation of new Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
  • Implement a Council Resolution Tracker
  • Review the Procurement Policy
  • Commence planning for the refurbishment of the Civic Centre
  • Introduce a dedicated Call Centre to improve customer experience
  • Launch new Council Website and Engagement HQ
  • Review the Workforce Management Plan
  • Transition to cashless facilities and remove merchant fees for credit card transactions

Council continues to fast track sustainability initiatives utilising funds from the Sustainability Levy. Sustainability Projects for 2023/24 include:

  • Every Child a Bushland Experience
  • Greener Apartments
  • Powerful Owl Project Support
  • Rope Access Noxious Weed Control
  • Streamwatch and National Waterbug Blitz Programs
  • Volunteer Bushcare Program
  • Warraroon Wetlands Restoration
  • Native Garden/Disability Support Program
  • Urban Rewilding Linkage Project
  • Solar for Business
  • Sustainable Building Advisory Service
  • Lovetts Reserve Biodiversity Protection
  • On the Verge (previously called Nature Strip Conversion Project)
  • Saltmarsh Restoration
  • Climate Resilience Events and Communications
  • Canopy Recycling Station
  • Bushwalk Tracks Safety Audit Contribution
  • Warraroon Reserve Insect Survey
  • Installing Solar with Confidence
  • Lane Cove Goes Circular
  • Skate Park Upcycled Sculpture
  • Sustainability Contribution to the new Sport and Recreation Facility
  • Sustainable Council Buildings (solar projects)
  • Woodford Bay Erosion Control

13. COUNCIL COMMITTEES AND WORKING PARTIES This Report brings to Council recommendations regarding changes to the following Committee Charters:

  • Age-Friendly Lane Cove Advisory Committee
  • Access and Inclusion Committee
  • Public Art Advisory Committee

And the establishment of two new Working Groups

  • Youth Advisory Group
  • Theatre Space Planning Reference Group

14. 2023 LOCAL GOVERNMENT NSW CONFERENCE MOTIONS, VOTING DELEGATES AND ATTENDANCE Council has received correspondence from Local Government NSW concerning their 2023 Annual Conference. In preparation for their Conference, Local Government NSW have asked all councils to consider the key issues affecting their communities. These issues will be discussed and debated during the business sessions of the Conference. This report recommends that Council consider the primary issues affecting the Lane Cove community, submit motions for debate and endorse the delegates including the three (3) voting delegates for the motions at the Conference.

15. LOCAL GOVERNMENT REMUNERATION TRIBUNAL ANNUAL REPORT AND DETERMINATION - COUNCILLOR FEES This report details the recent determination of the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal (“the Tribunal”) for the annual fees to be paid for the Mayor and Councillors for the 2023/24 financial year, commencing 1 July 2023. The Tribunal has approved a 3% increase for the period. It is recommended Council determine the annual fees to be paid.


16. COUNCIL SNAPSHOT MAY 2023 Attached for the information of Councillors is a review of Council’s recent activities. This report provides a summary of the operations of each division for May 2023.


17. QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE - LANE COVE SPORT AND RECREATION FACILITY Some questions that seek clarification on the process to award tenders for construction of the Sport & Recreation Centre. Secondly, some questions around the timing to determine the operating model of the Sport & Recreation Centre.  

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  • Andrew Zbik
    published this page in Updates 2023-06-17 19:52:59 +1000