Andrew Zbik, Labor Candidate for Lane Cove has welcomed Labor’s commitment to improving our students’ performance in science and maths by investing $9.5 million to train 200 specialist maths and science primary school teachers.

Our young people must be prepared for the jobs of the future in an increasingly globalised world.  Science, technology, engineering and maths skills are essential for future workforce demands and critical to our future productivity and competitiveness.


“Science and maths skills are essential to our future productivity and competitiveness.” Said Mr Zbik, a qualified Financial Planner.


In NSW there has been a downward trend in the number of students studying science and maths subjects and the number of students undertaking maths and science based degrees is also declining.


Mr Zbik said “Our children are falling behind in terms of maths and science. Labor has a plan to lift the skills of students in Lane Cove and across NSW, to prepare for the jobs of the future.”


“Children in Lane Cove will be competing for jobs in a global economy – and fostering an interest in maths and science will set our kids on track for success.”


Under Labor’s plan, teachers will undertake 20 days of training in maths or science over two years through a university-based course – giving them tools to work with colleagues at their own school and neighbouring schools to boost student participation in maths and science.


Labor also reaffirmed plans for a Science and Mathematics Scholarship Program to provide 200 new scholarships a year to recruit the best and brightest teachers to our schools.


This program will invest an additional $6 million to support high quality science and mathematics graduates, and give them the opportunity to train as specialist teachers in secondary school maths and science.


Students will receive a $5,000 annual training allowance while studying full time for a teaching qualification. When they complete their studies, they are guaranteed permanent employment in a NSW public school and awarded a further $3,000 to assist with accompanying expenses.

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