SPECIAL: The Public Gallery will be both IN PERSON and via Zoom for this Council Meeting. CLICK HERE for more information.
Below is a quick summary of the meeting agenda:
Members of the public may address the Council Meeting on any issue for 3 minutes.
2) SPORT AND RECREATION FACILITY LOCATIONS AND BUINESS CASE UPDATE Recommendation that Council does not pursue any further investigation of alternative sites for an indoor sport and recreation facility. Note: Council is waiting for in principle approval from TfNSW if traffic signals will be permitted at the current entrance of the golf course before making a final decision on which project to pursue. This will be determined at a future Council meeting.
3) PLANNING PROPOSAL NO. 39 - 448-456 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, ST LEONARDS Proposal that Council adopt the advice of the Lane Cove Local Planning Panel meeting of 10 May 2022, that Council rejects Planning Proposal No. 39 in full and as such not be forwarded to the Minister for a Gateway Determination.
4) DRAFT COMMUNITY DOG ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHARTER Proposal for Council to adopt the Charter for the Dog Advisory Committee and to call for expressions of interest for community representatives on the Dig Advisory Committee.
5) SPORTING CLUB ADVISORY COMMITTEE Proposal for Council to adopt the Charter for the Sporting Club Advisory Committee and to call for expressions of interest for community representatives on the Sporting Club Advisory Committee.
6) SUBSEQUENT NOMINATIONS FOR COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES TO ADVISORY COMMITTEES Proposal for Council at appoint additional community representatives to various community advisory committees.
7) SUPERANNUATION CONTRIBUTION PAYMENTS FOR COUNCILLORS Proposal that Council commence superannuation contribution payments for Councillors from 1 July 2022 at the same rate required under the Commonwealth Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992, pursuant to section 254B of the Local Government Act 1993.
8) VILLAGE PUBLIC ART PROGRAM - BIRDWOOD LANE - COMMONWEALTH BANK BUILDING UPDATE A report that provides an update on additional artwork on the Commonwealth Bank building at The Canopy.
9) THIRD QUARTER BUDGET REVIEW - 2021/22 BUDGET Proposals for various amendments to the 2021/2022 Budget.
10) BLACKMAN PARK LIGHTING UPGRADE TENDER Proposal that Council accept the quote from Havencord Pty Ltd T/A Flood Lighting Australia for $560,000.
11) THIRD QUARTER REVIEW OF THE 2021/22 DELIVERY PROGRAM AND OPERATIONAL PLAN An update on the Third Quarter Review of the 2021/22 Delivery Program and Operational Plan.
12) COUNCIL SNAPSHOT APRIL 2022 A great summary of the many and various Council projects and programs underway.
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