Below is a quick summary of the meeting agenda:
Members of the public may address the Council Meeting on any issue for 3 minutes.
2. MAYORAL MINUTE - DAMAGING INCREASE IN EMERGENCY SERVICES LEVY COSTS Proposal for Council to express strong opposition to the NSW Government’s last minute decision to impose an enormous Emergency Services Levy (ESL) cost increase on councils for 2023/24 by scrapping the ESL subsidy for councils and at a time after Council has publicly advertised its Operational Plan and annual budget to the community.
3. MAYORAL MINUTE - REQUESTING MEETINGS WITH NEW NSW STATE GOVERNMENT MINISTERS A summary of letters that have been sent to recently appointed NSW State Ministers to discuss local issues relevant to Lane Cove.
4. NOTICE OF MOTION - HOURS OF WORK - CONSTRUCTION SITES Proposal that Council receives a report at its next meeting on the impacts of a variation to its approved hours of construction to align with adjacent LGAs with a view to including such hours in future construction approvals.
5. NOTICE OF MOTION - REPORTING OF POLLUTION INCIDENTS ON COUNCIL'S WEBSITE AND IN COUNCIL SNAPSHOT Proposal that Council provide to the community, as soon as practicable after the occurrence of potential or actual pollution incidents that may pose a threat to the health of the community or to the environment, information as to the location and nature of the incidents and any steps to be taken to minimise harm from such incidents; and provide through the Council Snapshot information about all pollution incidents reported to Council including the location and nature of the incidents and actions taken by relevant authorities subsequent to the incident, including orders made or prosecutions initiated.
6. NOTICE OF MOTION - COUNCIL FACILITATION OF DISCUSSION ABOUT THE REFERENDUM ON THE INDIGENOUS VOICE TO PARLIAMENT Proposal on how Council can support public discussion about the Referendum on the indigenous voice to Parliament.
7. CLASSIFICATION OF LAND - 14 GAY STREET Proposal that Council classify the recently acquired property 14 Gay Street, Lane Cove, Lot A DP 360196 as operational land, pursuant to s31 of the Local Government Act 1993; noting that Council can reclassify the land to community land by passing a resolution following 28 days public notice; Finally, that Council commit, as a minimum, to in the future reclassify the Environmental Protection Zone and 10 metre Bushland Buffer Zone to Community Land for permanent retention and management as bushland.
8. JEAN MITCHELL LUCRETIA BATHS - COMMUNITY CONSULTATION OUTCOMES Receive and note the results of the community consultation on the future of the Jean Mitchell Lucretia Baths; and determine the future of the Jean Mitchell Lucretia Baths site.
9. BOB CAMPBELL OVAL - PROCUREMENT OF CONSULTANTS FOR TENDER DOCUMENTATION It is recommended that Taylor Brammer Pty Ltd be engaged for the Bob Campbell Oval preparation of tender for the landscape detail documentation and specification and that AgEnviro be engaged to provide the detailed design, specification and maintenance plan for the turf field.
10. DRAFT SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY - COMMUNITY CONSULTATION OUTCOMES Proposal that Council adopt the Revised (Draft) Social Media Policy.
11. DRAFT MEDIA POLICY - COMMUNITY CONSULTATION OUTCOMES Proposal that Council adopt the Draft Media Policy.
12. DRAFT MODERN SLAVERY PREVENTION POLICY - COMMUNITY CONSULTATION OUTCOMES Proposal that Council adopt the Draft Modern Slavery Prevention Policy
13. DRAFT MANAGING CONFLICTS OF INTERESTS FOR COUNCIL-RELATED DEVELOPMENTS POLICY Proposal to endorse the draft Managing Conflicts of Interest for Council-related Developments Policy.
14. 2022/23 BUDGET - THIRD QUARTER BUDGET REVIEW Proposal to adopt variations to Council's budget for the quarter.
15. COUNCILLOR CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE REQUEST - CLIMATE SUMMIT FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 2023 Proposal to endorse the request by Councillors Bryla and Kennedy to attend the Cities Power Partnership’s Climate Summit for Local Government 2023 Conference.
16. PUBLIC REPORTING OF COUNCILLOR BRIEFING AND MEETING ATTENDANCE Proposal that Council publish a breakdown of Councillor attendance at Ordinary Council Meetings, Extraordinary Council Meetings and Councillor Workshops on Council’s website, and the 12 month statistics be included in Council’s Annual Report.
17. GREENER NEIGHBOURHOODS GRANT SUMMARY - TREES ON PRIVATE LAND Proposal to endorse applying for external funding to expand and resource new and current programs around community engagement to protect canopy trees on private land.
18. LANE COVE & ST LEONARDS PARKING STUDY Proposal that Council adopt the recommendations of the Lane Cove Village and St Leonards Parking Study.
19. BUSH FIRE RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Proposal that Council endorse the draft Bush Fire Risk Management Plan for the purpose of public exhibition and consultation be undertaken for a period of 8 weeks as outlined in the report.
20. COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE GRANTS TO COMMUNITY GROUPS 2023-2024 Council to give consideration to Community Assistance Grants and the Cultural Venue Performance Hire Subsidy Funds to Community Groups for 2023-2024.
21. PROPOSED VOLUNTARY PLANNING AGREEMENT FOR AREA'S 16 AND 17 - ST LEONARDS SOUTH PRECINCT Proposal that Council enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement with Altis Bulky Retail Pty Ltd in respect of the development of Areas 16 and 17 (11-19 Holdsworth Avenue and 12-20 Berry Road) at the St Leonards South Precinct.
22. DELIVERY PROGRAM AND OPERATIONAL PLAN - 2022/23 THIRD QUARTER REVIEW The Third Quarter Review of the 2022/23 Delivery Program and Operational Plan gives an overview of all activities of Council.
23. COUNCIL SNAPSHOT APRIL 2023 Read this far? Tell me how many pickups for clothing, soft plastics, e-wastes and other tricky-to-recycle items were completed by RecycleSmart in April? (Can be found in the Council Snapshot here)
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