Clarification: The proposed agenda item for a ‘deliberative engagement’ process concerns the Lane Cove Golf Course. The Lane Cove Golf Club is a separate entity.
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Below is a quick summary of the meeting agenda in writing
2) BOB CAMPBELL OVAL MASTERPLAN - SHARING INFORMATION WITH THE COMMUNITY: Proposal for council to publicly share all technical and environmental reports (including the Review of Environmental Factors) relating to the Bob Campbell Oval Masterplan.
3) PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH A COUNCIL OWNED CHARITY: Proposal for Council to establish a Council-owned company and registered charity to coordinate the provision of funding through low cost health and other business services and meet the needs of families impacted by domestic violence at Women Children First.
4) IMPROVING THE FINANCIAL AND SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY OF GOLF IN LANE COVE: Proposal for Council to work with Lane Cove Golf Club to implement recommendations from a report looking at the operations of the Lane Cove Golf Club.
5) LONG TERM TRAFFIC MODELLING - PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT: Proposal that any alternative traffic arrangements form the Pathways development in Northwood Ships should be developed having regard to the Pathways development, 266 Longueville Road, the proposed Sports and Recreation facility and current zoning for the area.
6) LANE COVE GOLF COURSE DELIBERATIVE ENGAGEMENT ON FUTURE USE - STAGE 1: Proposal to proceed with a Stage 1 deliberative democracy / engagement process with a remit that seeks to determine what the best use(s) of the outdoor areas on the (Lane Cove Golf Course) site would be to meet community needs now and in the future.
7) PUBLIC ART IN THE LANE COVE VILLAGE: Proposal to implement a Village Public Art Program around The Canopy
8) BIRDWOOD LANE DCP (POST-EXHIBITION): Following public consultation, Council adopt a Development Control Plan for the Birdwood Lane Area.
9) LANE COVE'S PROGRESSIVE ENERGY AND WATER USE TARGETS: Proposal for Council to adopt targets to 2024 to reduce emissions by 20% and have no net increase in water usage.
10) AUSGRID COMMUNITY SOLAR BATTERY: Update that Council has lodged an Expression of Interest with Ausgrid to participate in any future trials of a Community Solar Battery.
11) INCREASING BASIX TARGETS: Proposal for Council to give feedback to a review of the BASIX targets.
12) ROTARY REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT DUE TO THE CANCELLATION OF THE 2020 ROTARY FAIR DUE TO COVID-19: Proposal to consult with the community to support the Lane Cove Rotary club with $13,550.
13) SECOND QUARTER REVIEW FOR 2020-2021 BUDGET: Proposal to adopt variations to Council's 2020-2021 Budget.
14) SECOND QUARTER REVIEW OF THE 2020 - 2021 DELIVERY PROGRAM AND OPERATIONAL PLAN: Proposal that the Second Quarter Review of the 2020 - 2021 Delivery Program and Operational Plan be received and noted.
15) REVISION TO THE POLICY ON PAYMENT OF EXPENSES AND FACILITIES FOR COUNCILLORS 2020: Proposal to adopt changes to the policy - 'Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors Policy (2020)' to include security costs for Councillors if required.
16) COUNCIL SNAPSHOT JANUARY 2021: Read carefully and you will find little goodies like Council has been successful in gaining a grant to fund the replacement of the dilapidated boardwalk in the contaminated area of Ventemens Reach.
I hope you found this video and summary helpful.
Councillor Andrew Zbik
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