My Councillor Update - Extra-Ordinary Council Meeting - 11th May 2020

Join my Sunday Q&A via Zoom

Ahead of the Extra-Ordinary Council Meeting on Monday 11th May 2020 regarding St Leonards South, I will be hosting a one hour Q&A session via Zoom. 

Please RSVP and details for the Zoom meeting shall be emailed to you on Sunday morning.

Note: How to make a submission to the Public Gallery

There will be no Public Gallery on Monday before the extra-ordinary meeting due to COVID-19. Submissions can be made to Council which will be distributed to Councillors. Submissions can be submitted via email to [email protected] (using the email subject line "Public Forum speech"). All speeches must be received by MIDNIGHT Sunday 10 May.


Summary of Recommendations on Agenda being considered at this Extra-Ordinary Council Meeting:


That Council :-

A. In response to the submissions received post exhibition of the Planning Proposal, advice from the Independent Planning Commission and Design Charrette conducted by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, make the following changes to the scheme:-


  1. Adopt a 5% reduction of the base FSR down to 2.6:1 across the entire precinct, resulting in the following changes to the FSR schedule.


















Refer to Clause 6.8

Refer to Clause 6.8

2. Adopt the changes to the height controls in the precinct as shown in Figure 13 in the report.

3. Area 5 in Canberra Avenue, no adjustment to height and FSR and require a portion of the 15m wide path linking Canberra Avenue and Holdsworth Avenue in addition to providing the multi-purpose facility.

4. Area 6 in Holdsworth Avenue, increase the height from 10 to 12 storeys, and increase the bonus FSR by an additional 0.3:1 to provide a portion of the 15m wide path linking Canberra Avenue and Holdsworth Avenue and continue to provide affordable/key worker housing.

5. Area 7 in Canberra Avenue, no longer require a portion of the 15m wide path linking Canberra Avenue and Holdsworth Avenue.

6. Area 8 in Holdsworth Avenue, no longer require a portion of the 15m wide path linking Canberra Avenue and Holdsworth Avenue.

7. Area 12 in Berry Road, increase the 8 storey height component to 10 storeys, and increase the bonus FSR by an additional 0.5:1 to provide additional affordable/key worker housing.

8. Areas 21 and 22 the frontage of buildings to the central park have a DCP control requiring the western buildings to have a 3m setback at and above Level 3 (a 2 storey element) and the eastern buildings to have a 3m setback at and above Level 5 (a 4 storey element), to improve the park interface.

9. Area 22 and 23 in Park/Berry Road, increase in the FSR by the inclusion of a bonus FSR of an additional 0.15:1 with no resultant increase in height to provide a new road linking Berry Road to Park Road.

10. A clause be included which requires a minimum of 20% studio/one-bedroom apartments, 20% two-bedroom apartments, and 20% 3 and 3+ bedroom apartments for residential development across the precinct.

11. A clause be included to ensure buildings are optimised to minimise shadowing to public and private open spaces and facilitate ADG compliance for surrounding buildings.

12. A clause be included to encourage ground-floor, direct street-access, townhouse-like apartments, particularly in Park Rd.

13. A clause be included which requires the development to demonstrate design excellence and best practice sustainability performance to be eligible for the incentives outlined in Clause 6.8.

14. Council commence the process to close Canberra Avenue, between River Road at its intersection with Duntroon Avenue to integrate the land into Newlands Park.

15. Council commit to not considering future development west of Park Road to Greenwich Road in the short - medium term (2021-2026).

16. Council investigate widening of River Road footpath to integrate a shared path.

17. A further report be submitted to Council to consider adoption of a maximum parking rate which reduces on-site parking for this precinct, in light of increasing public transport options.

B. Amend Planning Proposal 25, DCP and associated documents to reflect A. above and submit the revised Planning Proposal 25 to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces.

C. Delegate Authority to the General Manager to update the draft s7.11 Plan having regard to the amended Planning Proposal and seek approval from IPART for the Plan.

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