The Public Forum is in person (COVID rules - must wear a mask) or you can dial in online. For details - CLICK HERE
To join our Community Zoom on Sunday at 7:30pm - CLICK HERE
Below is a quick summary of the meeting agenda:
3. MAYORAL MINUTE - LANE COVE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE Proposal for Council to approach NSW Land and Housing Corporation and other land owners in the Mowbray Precinct to provide a local convenience store in future building designs.
4. NOTICE OF MOTION - CREATING A RENEWABLE ENERGY FUTURE IN LANE COVE Proposal to include in Councils new Community Strategic Plan a goal to facilitate the uptake of renewable energy in the Lane Cove area.
5. NOTICE OF MOTION - CREATION OF A ST LEONARDS SOUTH COORDINATION UNIT (SLCSU) Proposal to establish a St Leonards South Coordination Unit (SLSCU) to manage and coordinate delivery of the individual development projects within the St Leonards South Master Plan area and of projects adjacent to the St Leonards South Master Plan area.
6. NOTICE OF MOTION - MINUTE OF SILENCE FOR PRAYER OR REFLECTION Proposal to replace the Prayer at the start of each Council meeting with a minute silence for prayer and refection.
7. NOTICE OF MOTION - TRAFFIC AT THE INTERSECTION OF PARKLANDS, EPPING AND LONGUEVILLE ROADS Proposal to investigate and report back to Council with options of how best to stop motor vehicles performing U-turns in the middle of Parklands Road at the intersection of Parklands Road and Landers Road. P.S. After I met with residents on Sunday 13th Feb I have already requested this :)
8. NOTICE OF MOTION - DEFERRAL OF COMMENCEMENT OF PROCESS TO CLOSE CANBERRA AVENUE Proposal to defer any closure of Canberra Ave until the cumulative impacts of multiple development sites in the St Leonards Masterplan area has been assessed.
9. NOTICE OF MOTION - ESTABLISHMENT OF SPORTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Proposal that Council establish a Sporting Club Advisory Committee.
10. NOTICE OF MOTION - IMPROVING COMMUNITY COLLABORATION AND COMMUNICATION Proposal to review the overall methods that Council uses to engage with the community and to consider an upgrade of the Lane Cove Council website.
11. NOTICE OF MOTION - BOB CAMPBELL WORKING GROUP - ADDITIONAL MEMBERS Proposal to consider the inclusion of regular sport users of Bob Campbell Oval in the working group.
12. NOTICE OF MOTION - ST LEONARDS SOUTH CENTRAL PRECINCT LAND ACQUISITION FOR OPEN SPACE PARK Proposal for Council to consider ways to advance the purchase of the proposed park in St Leonards South.
14. INFRASTRUCTURE CONTRIBUTIONS REFORMS – SUBMISSIONS Proposal to endorse Council's submissions on this matter.
15. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE - JANUARY 2022 Consider proposed changes for roads around Lane Cove West Pubic School, Landers Rd, Longueville Rd, Eloora St, Dunios St, Murray Lane.
16. BOB CAMPBELL OVAL - PROPOSED DELIVERY PROGRAM Update on Council's resolution made at the Extra-Ordinary Meeting on 24th January regarding reviewing the Bob Campbell Oval Masterplan.
17. PROPOSED REZONING REFORMS Proposal to authorise the General Manager to submit a response to the Discussion Paper provided by the State Government regarding changes being proposed to the system of amending councils’ planning controls in Local Environment Plans (LEPs), through “Planning Proposals” or (Rezonings).
18. LANE COVE SPORT AND RECREATION PRECINCT - NSW GOVERNMENT FUNDING OPPORTUNITY Release of the business case for the proposed Sport & Recreation Centre for public comment and a proposal to submit an application for funding from the State Government.
19. NORTH SYDNEY COUNCIL REQUEST TO ADVOCATE FOR CHANGES TO THE ST LEONARDS CROWS NEST 2036 PLAN Proposal from North Sydney Council to join them in a delegation to the Minister for Planning to seek immediate amendments to the 2036 Plan to remove the post exhibition changes to the maximum building heights and floor space ratios that were not subject to public comment.
20. COUNCILLOR TRAINING ATTENDANCE REQUEST - LOCAL GOVERNMENT NSW EXECUTIVE CERTIFICATE FOR ELECTED MEMBERS Proposal for Councillors to undertake the Local Government NSW Executive Certificate for Elected Members training program.
21. SECOND QUARTER REVIEW OF THE 2021/22 DELIVERY PROGRAM AND OPERATIONAL PLAN Review of Councils operations for the last quarter.
22. ADVOCACY LETTER TO DPIE RE BASIX HIGHER STANDARDS Proposal that Council adopt the draft submission to the increases to Building Sustainability Index (‘BASIX‘) requirements by the State Government.
23. COUNCIL SUPPORT FOR NSW PLASTICS ACTION PLAN Council will support businesses as they transition away from single use plastic items through regular targeted communications to promote the NSW Plastics Action Plan and showcase sustainable alternatives.
24. SECOND QUARTERLY BUDGET REVIEW - 2021/22 BUDGET Review of our budget.
25. DRAFT CODE OF MEETING PRACTICE 2022 Proposed changes to Councils meeting procedures.
26.VILLAGE PUBLIC ART PROGRAM - BIRDWOOD AVENUE - COMMONWEALTH BANK BUILDING Update on the completed art work on the Commonwealth Bank Building in Lane Cove.
27.MINISTERIAL ORDER - PLANNING EXPECTATIONS The purpose of this Report is tonotify Councillors about the recent Ministerial Order.On 26 November 2021, then Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Rob Stokes released aStatement of Expectations Order which reserved the right for the Minister to intervene where councils are not upholding their “responsibilities”.
28.ELECTORAL FUNDING DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS The purpose of this report is to advise Councillors that Council has received correspondence from the Election Funding Authority advising that Councillors are required to make twice yearly disclosures to the Election Funding Authority on political donations received and electoral funding incurred.
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