The next Ordinary Council Meeting of Lane Cove Council is this THURSDAY 29th September at 7pm.
SPECIAL: The Public Gallery will be both IN PERSON and via Zoom for this Council Meeting. CLICK HERE for more information.
Below is a summary of the Agenda for the upcoming Council Meeting:
Members of the public may address the Council Meeting on any issue for 3 minutes.
3. MAYORAL MINUTE - SYDNEY WATER SUPPLY ISSUES IN LANE COVE NORTH AND SURROUNDS Following the issue with water supply in Lane Cove this month, I am asking for Council to write to Sydney Water to provide feedback and to as the NSW Parliament to conduct an inquiry to improve communication from Sydney Water during prolonged water outages.
4. NOTICE OF MOTION - SPONSORSHIP POLICY Proposal that Council shall not enter into sponsorship arrangements with property developers.
5. NOTICE OF MOTION - FOSSIL FUEL ADVERTISING AND SPONSORSHIP IN LANE COVE LGA Proposal that Council investigate updating Council’s Sponsorship Policy to include wording such as ‘“The sponsoring organisation’s main business should not be the extraction, distribution or sale of fossil fuels.” to ensure Council does not accept sponsorships from companies whose main business is the extraction or sale of coal, oil or gas.
6. NOTICE OF MOTION - COUNCIL LIASON WITH COMMUNITY AND TRANSPORT FOR NSW - GREENWICH POINT WHARF UPGRADE Proposal to request TfNSW to convene a community workshop to discuss the design issues with the proposed upgrades of Greenwich Point Wharf.
7. NOTICE OF MOTION - MELBOURNE CUP SCREENING LANE COVE Proposal that Council no longer screen, promote, or advertise the Melbourne Cup on any public/council owned property.
8. ELECTION OF DEPUTY MAYOR Time to elect a new Deputy Mayor. Council adopted at the beginning of this term that the term of a Deputy Mayor will be one year.
9. PROGRESSION ON A SPORT AND RECREATION FACILITY AT 180 RIVER ROAD (GOLF COURSE) SITE - 8 COURT CONCEPT PLAN Proposal that Concept Plan Option 2 for an 8 court (4 indoor and 4 outdoor) be adopted for the purposes of further consultation, to be undertaken in accordance with the consultation strategy outlined in the report.
10. UPDATED SUSTAINABILITY ACTION PLAN 2022-2025 Proposal for Council to adopt the revised Sustainability Action Plan 2022-2025.
11. DRAFT DISABILITY INCLUSION ACTION PLAN (DIAP) Proposal for the draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 be endorsed for the purpose of public exhibition and be placed on public exhibition for six (6) weeks.
12. LANE COVE VILLAGE AND ST LEONARDS PARKING STUDY Proposal that the Draft Lane Cove Village and St Leonards Parking Study be placed on public exhibition for a period of six (6) weeks.
13. COMMUNITY GARDEN POLICY AND COMMUNITY GARDEN GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES Proposal that Council adopt the Community Gardens Policy and Community Gardens Guidelines and Procedures.
14. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO OPERATE A COMMUNITY TOY LIBRARY AT 47 BURNS BAY RD, LANE COVE Proposal that Council enter into a funding agreement and licence agreement with The Sydney Library of Things (TSLOT) to operate a Toy Library and Library of Things at 47 Burns Bay Road.
15. REPRESENTATIVE NOMINATIONS FOR THE COMMUNITY DOG AND SPORTING CLUB ADVISORY COMMITTEES Proposal to endorse members of the Community Dog Advisory Committee and an additional member of the Sporting Club Advisory Committee.
16. RESPONSE TO THE RENEWABLE ENERGY FUTURE - STRATA BUILDINGS CAMPAIGN Proposal that Council launch the Switch to GreenPower campaign in conjunction with Resilient Sydney and the City of Sydney.
17. NSW E-SCOOTER TRIAL Proposal that Council not lodge an Expression of Interest to participate in the TfNSW e-scooter trial at this time.
18. SHORESHOCKED MUSIC FESTIVAL 2022 An update that on Saturday, 6 August 2022, Lane Cove Council participated in the Shoreshocked Music Festival. Shoreshocked is an all ages music festival featuring well-known bands and performers as well as local musicians and groups selected through the ‘Shorecomp Battle of the Bands’ competition.
19. COUNCIL SNAPSHOT AUGUST 2022 Great information about what Council does each month for our community. For example, Council has $130.98 million in cash and investments. $60 million of this is allocated to go towards the Sport & Recreation Facility with the balance on reserve for Council operations and future projects.
I hope you found this video and summary helpful.
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