Standing up Against Over-Development

Responsible, sustainable, accountable development

that is proportional to local infrastructure


Andrew has a strong record standing up against over-development in Lane Cove:

1) Andrew voted against the St Leonards South Masterplan (This plan introduces +1,900 apartments in St Leonards/Greenwich area). 

2) Andrew in August 2018 had the initiative to move a motion call on a moratorium for residential planning proposals in Lane Cove. This is where developers can apply to change local planning rules. This motion was adopted by Council. 

3) Andrew in May 2020 had the initiative to move a motion to call on Council to advocate to the State Government to protect our say in local planning matters. Surprisingly, this motion was not supported by the majority of Councillors. 


Andrew will continue to fight against overdevelopment in Lane Cove. 

1) Call on Council to properly advocate and fight to protect our local planning rules set our in our Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan. 

2) Fight against the State Government's decision to delay when developers need to pay their developer contributions. (Previously, developers paid their contribution when construction started on their project. Now they pay their contribution when their project is finished construction. This on average delays Council receiving developer contributions by two years).

3) Properly monitor and enforce hours of work and traffic management plans when construction is underway.


DID YOU KNOW? Councillors no longer approve Development Applications?

In 2012, the Liberal State Government introduced Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels. This are now called Local Planning Panels or Regional Planning Panels. This changed who is responsible for reviewing and approving Development Applications away from Councillors to a panel of 'experts' in constructions, urban design, town planning and law:

- Any projects under $5 million in value are considered by Council staff.

- Any projects between $5 million - $30m are considered by the Lane Cove Local Planning Panel (two members are appointed by Council and two are appointed by the State Govt).

- Projects over $30m are considered by the Sydney North Planning Panel (Two members appointed by Council, three members are appointed by the State Govt).

The Liberal State Government has also allowed developers to 'appeal' decisions made by these panels.

It's a very frustrating situation where the enforcement of our Local Environmental Plan is no longer the sole responsibility of Council. I personally believe we need to reform planning powers back to local Councils.



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