My Mayor Update - April 2022

SPECIAL: The Public Gallery will be both IN PERSON and via Zoom for this Council Meeting. CLICK HERE for more information



Below is a quick summary of the meeting agenda:


Members of the public may address the Council Meeting on any issue for 3 minutes.




2) UPDATE SPORT & RECREATION INDOOR FACILITY: An update on the work completed to date for options to provide an indoor sport & recreation facility in Lane Cove.  

An update on Council’s progress on revising the Bob Campbell Oval Masterplan.

4) AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION "DONT LEAVE LOCAL COMMUNITIES BEHIND" CAMPAIGN: A proposal to support the Australian Local Government Association campaign for more Federal funding for Local Government. 


5)MORE HOMES AND LIVEABLE COMMUNITIES: Written by Clr Bryla, a proposal that Council advocates for adoption of enhanced Urban Design Principles (Tree canopy targets, public open space targets, walkability targets and urban heat reduction targets) and sustainability measures (Embodied carbon reporting, net zero statements and electric vehicle readiness) given the State Govt has decided not to proceed with the ‘Design and Place State Environmental Planning Policy’

6) COMMUNITY INPUT INTO PLANNING PROPOSAL ASSESSMENT PRIOR TO GATEWAY DETERMINATION: Written by Clr Southwood, proposal to adopt additional notification measures to our community when Council receives notice of a Planning Proposal (When a Developer seeks to change local planning rules). 


7) DRAFT CODE OF MEETING PRACTICE 2022 - POST CONSULTATION: Proposal to adopt changes to the rules in which Council meets, including changes to Prayer at a meeting, Moving Council meetings to the third Thursday of the month, Closed Committees moved to the end of a meeting and allowing Councillors to dial in via electronic conferencing if they cannot be physically present at a meeting. 

8) DEFERRAL OF COMMENCEMENT OF PROCESS TO CLOSE CANBERRA AVENUE: Proposal that all Construction Traffic Management Plans in St Leonards South do not use Duntroon Ave and the closure of Canberra Ave will be adopted at a future Council meeting when recommended that the road closure process commence. 

9) CREATION OF A ST LEONARDS SOUTH COORDINATION UNIT - FURTHER REPORT: Proposal that Council improve access to information on nits website for developments in St Leonards South and Council create a St Leonards South Precinct Working Group to monitor coordination of construction activities between construction companies and residents.  

10) TRAFFIC COMMITTEE - MARCH 2022: Proposal changes to traffic arrangements on Burns Bay Rd, Rosenthal Ave, Mowbray Rd, Sutherland St, Bay St, Kingslangly Rd and St Leonards Plaza.

11) NOMINATIONS FOR COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES TO ADVISORY COMMITTEES: Recommendations to appoint residents to Council’s various Community Advisory Committees. 

12) INVESTIGATION INTO COMMENCEMENT OF A TOY LIBRARY IN LANE COVE: Proposal to fund the creation of a Toy Library in Lane Cove. 

13) COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE GRANTS TO COMMUNITY GROUPS 2022-2023: Recommendations for recipients of Councils community grants. The total amount of grant monies providing in the 2022/2023 financial year is $472,786.

14) REVISED DRAFT COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN 2035: Proposal to go to community consultation on the draft changes to the Community Strategic Plan. This is Council’s ten-year vision of what is seeks to achieve for our community. 

15) 2022/2023 DRAFT BUDGET, FEES AND CHARGES AND DELIVERY PROGRAM AND OPERATIONAL PLAN: Proposal to go to community consultation on Council’s Budget for the 2022/2023 financial year and Delivery Program (What we seek to achieve in this term of Council) and Operational Plan (What Council plans to do in the 2022/2023 financial year).

16) ST LEONARDS SOUTH SECTION 7.11 CONTRIBUTIONS PLAN - ADOPTION: Proposal that Council adopt the Section 7.11 Contributions Plan for the St Leonards South area. 

17) PROPOSED VOLUNTARY PLANNING AGREEMENT FOR AREA 12-3 HOLDSWORTH AVENUE, ST LEONARDS SOUTH PRECINCT: Proposal that Council enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement for Area 5 of the St Leonards South Masterplan Area. This is needed as the Section 7.11 Contributions Plan outlined in point 16 above has not been adopted yet. 


18) COUNCIL SNAPSHOT FEBRUARY 2022 A great summary of the many and various Council projects and programs underway. 

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  • Andrew Zbik
    published this page in Updates 2022-04-14 14:42:54 +1000