Labor Candidate for Lane Cove Andrew Zbik has welcomed the announcement on Monday by Shadow Minister for Transport Penny Sharpe regarding Labor’s commitment to cycling on the lower North Shore.
A Foley Labor Government will take a comprehensive new approach to cycling that recognises the rising popularity of cycling and the role active transport can play in tackling congestion and creating a healthier and more sustainable NSW.
Under Labor’s plan, we will:
- Build and maintain cycling infrastructure, including
o Work with federal government and local councils to progress the Inner Sydney Regional Bike Network which covers Lane Cove.
o Invest $37 million and work with local councils to build the inner west Greenway
o Commit to work with the City of Sydney to keep the College St cycleway, and
- Promote cycle safety and instruct Transport for NSW review cyclist safety rules
- Take a multi-faceted, whole-of-government approach to creating a cycling friendly city with the Health, Transport, Planning and Roads departments, plus local councils, working with the Greater Sydney Commission to promote active transport as a path to more liveable and attractive cities, a healthy population and less congested roads
- Invest in bicycle-related regional tourism with a new Rail Trails Strategy that would see unused rail corridors converted to shared-use paths – bringing visitors and jobs to regional NSW, and
- Give cyclists and public transport users a voice in transport planning, through a new Public Transport Users and Cyclists Advisory Board within Transport for NSW
Quotes attributable to Labor Candidate for Lane Cove Andrew Zbik:
“As a regular cyclist from Lane Cove to the Sydney CBD to get to and from work, I see the potential of how we can make cycling safer and more accessible for our residents. It takes me 35 minutes to cycle from Lane Cove to the city. The same amount of time it takes to catch the bus.”
“Many residents have told me they would like to have the option to cycle to and from work, to our local shops and even to have the confidence that their children could ride to school. The only thing stopping them is the fear of sharing the road with motor vehicles.”
“Labor created the Epping Road cycleway which was a fantastic start for ensuring cycling is a real alternative to car transport in our area. Since the Baird Government came to power, we have not seen any significant investment in cycle lanes on the lower North Shore.”
“Labor’s commitment to work with the federal government and local councils to progress the Inner Sydney Regional Bike Network is a massive benefit for the residents of Lane Cove.”
“I am committed to fighting for additional investment in our cycling infrastructure on the lower North Shore.”
Quotes attributable to Shadow Minister for Transport Penny Sharpe:
“Cycling is good for your health and good for the environment – and it is part of tackling congestion in our cities.
“The number of NSW households with access to at least one bike is growing steadily, and about half of all Sydney households have at least two bikes – our transport planning should take this popular mode of transport into account.
“Labor’s new approach to cycling is about promoting an active lifestyle for a healthier, more sustainable state.
“Labor’s plan to encourage cycling will also boost regional economies – with shared-use rail trails to bring new visitors, and jobs, to regional NSW.
“Importantly, our plan acknowledges that commuters can offer valuable perspectives to drive innovation, accessibility and improvements in public transport and cycling.
“Labor will give cyclists a strong voice within the planning and development of public and active transport in NSW.”
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