My Councillor Update - Council Meeting - 15th November 2021

SPECIAL: The Public Gallery will be both IN PERSON and via Zoom for this Council Meeting. CLICK HERE for more information


Below is a quick summary of the meeting agenda in writing. As Council is now in 'caretaker' mode, the motions are mostly procedural and cannot commi 


2. PRESENTATION OF AUDITED ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2021 Proposal that Council receive and note the Annual Financial Statements, together with the Auditors Report, for the year ended 30 June 2021.

3. END OF COUNCIL TERM REPORT - 2017 TO 2021 Proposal that the End of Council Term Report be received and noted.

4. POST COVID-19 OUTDOOR DINING ACTIVATION - OUTCOMES OF COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Proposal for Council to undertake a trial outdoor dining activation in five (5) parking spaces on the eastern side of Longueville Road from 3pm on Friday to 7am on Sunday for the months of December 2021 and January 2022.

5. UPDATE INFRASTRUCTURE CONTRIBUTION REFORMS Proposal that the General Manager be delegated authority to make any submission consistent with Council’s previous resolutions to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal by 26 November 2021 and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment by 10 December 2021 regarding Infrastructure Contribution Reforms .

6. SUMMER EVENTS PROGRAM 2021/22 Proposal that Council receive and note the report outlining program for Summer events from 27 November 2021 to end of February 2022.

7. GREENWICH WHARF UPGRADE COMMUNITY CONSULTATION OUTCOMES Proposal that the report be received and noted regarding the Greenwich Wharf upgrade. 

8. REVIEW OF COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN - LANE COVE 2035 AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY Proposal that Council endorse the proposed Community Engagement Strategy for the review of the Community Strategic Plan – Lane Cove 2035.

9. LANE COVE COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21 Proposal that Council adopt the Draft Annual Report.

10. 2021/22 BUDGET - FIRST QUARTER REVIEW Proposal to make some amendments to the budget. 

11. DELIVERY PROGRAM AND OPERATIONAL PLAN - 2021/22 FIRST QUARTER REVIEW Proposal that the First Quarter Review of the 2021/22 Delivery Program and Operational Plan be received and noted.

12. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE - OCTOBER 2021 Proposal to adopt traffic changes at Central Ave, St Vincents Rd, Robertson St, Centennial Ave, 

13. SCHEDULE OF ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETINGS FOR 2021 AND 2022 Proposal to adopt dates for Council meetings in 2022. It is proposed that the new Council will meet on 10th January 2022 to elect a new Mayor and Deputy Mayor. 

14. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY DURING CHRISTMAS RECESS AND PENDING THE OUTCOME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION RESULTS Proposal that Council, in accordance with Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993, appoint a Committee comprising of the Mayor and the General Manager, or in their absence a delegate of the Mayor and/or the person acting as General Manager, to deal with and determine, urgent matters arising between 10 January 2022 and 21 February 2022, in such cases applying Council’s policies, or where no such policies exist, exercising due caution.

15. COUNCIL SNAPSHOT OCTOBER 2021 A summary of what Council achieved and delivered in the month of October. 

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  • Andrew Zbik
    published this page in Updates 2021-11-11 22:20:27 +1100