My Councillor Update - Council Meeting - 16th August 2021

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3. UPDATE ON REVIEW OF DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS An update on the NSW Government’s proposed changes to Infrastructure Contributions which would significantly impact every council’s ability to deliver the infrastructure necessary to support increased population. As a guide, our Council stands to lose approximately 50% of the funds it currently receives from Developer Contributions.


4. DRAFT CLIMATE RESILIENCE PLAN - POST PUBLIC EXHIBITION Recommendation to adopt the Climate Resilience Plan.  

5. FINALISATION OF DRAFT DOG STRATEGY Recommendation to adopt the Dog Strategy. 

6. COUNCIL RESPONSE CUMBERLAND COUNCIL COMMUNITY NEEDS Proposal that Council promote the opportunity for locals to donate to Foodbank to help unite those in need with food impacted by the COVID-19 Lockdown. 

7. SUCCESSFUL GRANT APPLICATION FROM SAFER ROADS PROGRAM FOR CENTENNIAL AVE AND MOWBRAY ROAD Council has secured $690,000 under the Australian Safer Roads Program for two projects. The grants provide 100% funding for the upgrade of the Mowbray Road bend between Ralston and Roslyn Streets whilst the grant for the Mowbray Road/Centennial Avenue traffic signal upgrade partially covers the cost.

8. NSW HOUSING SEPP CONSULTATION - DRAFT SUBMISSION The NSW Government has developed a new draft State Environmental Planning Policy for Housing (Housing SEPP) which aims to facilitate the delivery of more diverse and affordable housing types. This motion proposes that Council prepare a submission. 

9. UPDATE ON NSW PLANNING REFORMS The NSW planning system has been in a state of perpetual reform over the past decade. This report provides an overview of the recent key changes within the NSW planning system and the likely impact upon Council in the coming months and years.

10. FOURTH QUARTER REVIEW - DELIVERY PROGRAM AND OPERATIONAL PLAN 2020 - 21 A summary of Council achievements during the quarter include:-

  • 2021 Shoreshocked youth music festival organised with other Northern Sydney Councils;
  • 2021 Seniors Festival held with most events booked out;
  • First ANZAC Day held at The Canopy with more than 800 people attending;
  • Adoption of the Village Public Art program with site-specific artwork selected for two sites;
  • World Environment Day was celebrated in the Plaza (5 June) promoting worldwide awareness and action for the environment;
  • Lane Cove Sport and Recreation Precinct development application submitted (2 June);
  • Lane Cove’s first ever Community Panel, comprising 35 local community members, came together to develop a vision and criteria for the greenspace currently occupied by the Lane Cove Golf Course. 
  • Community consultations held including an information session regarding the design for the St Leonards Plaza;
  • Longueville Park upgrade - The Deborah Hutchens Playground opened;
  • The Lane Cove Literary Awards 2021 opened (3 June);
  • The Greening our Cities Grant allowing for the planting of over 300 street trees was completed in the last two financial quarters of 2021; and,
  • A Lane Cove flora survey was completed, including mapping of vegetation and identification of flora species.  
  • The Canopy won the Greater Sydney Commission – Developer Supported by Infrastructure Award Category.

11. COUNCIL SNAPSHOT JULY 2021 A summary of Council's activities during July. This graphic in the snapshot highlights projects funded through Council's Sustainability Levy:

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  • Andrew Zbik
    published this page in Updates 2021-08-13 06:06:26 +1000