A Daley Labor Government, if elected this month, will embark on an unprecedented $7.4 billion school building program.

Labor is committed to building and upgrading 204 schools right across NSW as part of the largest investment in public schools in NSW history.

NSW Labor Leader, Michael Daley, said it is part of Labor’s investment into our schools that will put our children’s future before Sydney stadiums.

“Labor can afford this record investment into our public schools because we will not proceed with the Liberals and Nationals’ $2.2 billion Sydney stadium splurge.

“Labor will make sure school infrastructure keeps up with the booming school-aged population,” Mr Daley said.

By 2036, it is estimated there will be one million students enrolled in NSW public schools, an increase of 200,000 students compared to today. Already, 636 NSW schools are at or above 100 per cent capacity.

It comes on top of Labor’s commitment to replace 1,000 ageing demountables and to ensure that every new school built has childcare or before-and-after school care facilities.

Labor candidate for Lane Cove, Andrew Zbik said:

“The Liberals and Nationals have broken their promise to build 12 new schools a year.”

“While our community has gotten bigger, local services like our schools have struggled to keep up. ”

“The Liberals and Nationals haven’t put local kids first. Instead they’re splurging $2.2 billion of our taxpayer money on Sydney stadiums.”

Currently, there are 4,640 demountable classrooms in NSW schools and the Liberals and Nationals have recently purchased 520 more rather than investing in bricks and mortar classrooms.

Yesterday, Mr Daley announced Labor’s plan to hire an additional 5,065 teachers to keep up with demand and provide the best opportunities for our children.

Mr Zbik, said: “Labor has fought for and will deliver the public services like schools and hospitals our community needs.”

This further builds on Labor’s previous education commitments, including to:

  • Inject $2.7 billion to deliver 100 per cent of the standard level of funding for every student
  • Make TAFE free for courses in skill shortage areas
  • Ensure every child can learn a second language
  • Allocate $5,000 to P&Cs
  • Give free glasses to disadvantaged school kids
  • Air condition every school in NSW

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